Saturday 29 March 2008

Just a few musings for a Saturday morning

Good morning! Right now i'm lying in's great! Most mornings when i have to go to work i'm up at 7...i don't like that much! So it's nice to just chill under the covers once in a while! Isn't it really funny how when you're a kid it's like world war 3 trying to get you to go to bed? I remember my mum and dad constantly joining forces to escort my brother and I to bed, Sunday nights were the worst...there was always that horrible feeling of having to go back to school in the morning! Oh how things change...i find now that most days, bed is what i look forward to. Not that i'm lazy, i just like sleeping! I actually think im getting old before my time...i love nothing more than staying at home, watching tv with my mum and dad, or Scott, with a nice cup of tea and a wee biscuit, then bed! I never used to like doing that, when i was a bit younger i was NEVER in the house, i was always out and about with friends and mum used to joke that she forgot what i looked like!

I think it all changed for me during my 3rd year at university. I studied french, spanish and european studies up in good old Coleraine uni, and as part of my course, my 3rd year was spent living in France for 4 months in a tiny town called Pau (pronounced like the littlest tellytubby!) and then 4 months in Spain in the city of Granada. I was out with my good friend Kathryn the other night having a wee coffee in Starbucks and we got talking about our year abroad. I love being at home, i love everything about Northern Ireland, and i mean everything, no matter where i will go in life, whether i live in a different country, i will always return to Northern Ireland. It will always be home for me. I have done my fair share of travel in my life, but everything i love is in Northern Ireland. Anyway, living away for that year really made me realise the importance of family. When i was away, my mum and dad helped me out so much.

I remember one particular day in Spain very well. Kathryn and i had made one of our very frequent trips to the supermarket. I remember i was having a particularly hard day with missing home. I went to take out some cash from the autobank so i put my card in...nothing. Nothing came up on the screen and i pressed all kinds of buttons trying to get my card back...nothing. It had eaten my card, it was lost. Well right there in the middle of the supermarket i burst into tears. Kathryn stood trying to calm me down but nothing was working! We tried everthing, we went to the actual bank building to see if they had anyway of getting my card back but they ended up confusing me was the answer but they didnt just say that!! haha Anyway, mym mum drove up to my friend Kathryn's house to give her mum some money to put in her account so she could take it out for me, then my mum had to drive back to my bank in Moira and sort out a new card for me then have it posted out. It was so much hassle for something ehich to them probably seemed quite funny. But my point is, my mum did that for me without so much as a roll of the eye or any complaint.

This is why i like being at home so much...i love my mum, my dad and my brother so much, and lots of things in the past year or so have happened which really makes me think about how precious our time here is.

Anyway, i have the Unganda auction fundraiser tonight. I'm on the waitressing team. Its going to be a really good night i think!

God Bless x

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